When speaking at the opening session to a standing-room-only crowd, John Surane, Executive Vice-President, Chief Merchandising Officer and Sales Officer, addressed the challenges retailers face in today’s tough economy. He referenced “things we don’t’ control—including the ‘battered global supply chain, a hyper-competitive labor market, and competitors acting aggressively. Surane then advised Ace retailers to “modify and adjust strategies to focus on things we can control and have the greatest impact.” Adding, “There is plenty we can impact together.” The remainder of his presentation detailed three areas of opportunity where Surane believes retailers can fight and win.
Kane Calamari, Senior Vice President, Chief Human Resources Officer & President-Ace Foundation, addressed a problem shared by the retail community—employee retention. He outlined steps being taken to attract and retain employees. These measures include connecting to potential employees via digital marketing and structuring a comprehensive training process whose sole responsibility is to support onboarding and retaining employees. Citing communication and dialogue as key elements of retention, Calamari mentioned, “stay interviews ask employees questions such as, “What do you like?” and “What can we improve on?”
Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center.