Spotlight on Business


Listen Up! The Power and Benefits of Customer Feedback

June 27, 2024
What customers say about your business determines its long-term success. Whether the feedback is given to you directly, on social media, or by word-of-mouth, consumers are influenced by other people’s opinions. There’s no shortage of feedback on products and services—some good, some bad. Customer feedback is an opportunity to improve when needed or commend your team for a job well done.

3 Reasons Digital Marketing is Good for Business

June 14, 2024
One mistake many small and medium-sized businesses repeat year after year is failing to make digital marketing a high priority. It is a missed opportunity that can be costly in the long run. The average person spends three hours a day on the internet searching for information, shopping, and communicating with other people

Gaining the Loyalty of Gen Z Shoppers

June 14, 2024
Gen Z consumers are socially conscious and are key in shaping the nation’s perspectives on sustainability, mental health, and racial equity. Representing 20 percent of the U.S. population, children and young adults born between 1997 and 2012 command $360 billion in buying power.

Capture Shopper’s Attention to Heat-up Summer Sells

June 10, 2024
Summer is the peak season for vacations, rest, and relaxation. Sales tend to dip when fewer people are working on projects and shopping at hardware stores. So, how can store owners keep the sales momentum going between Spring and Fall? Start by getting creative and holding promotions that won’t break the bank.

Dealing with the Stress of Operating a Business

May 16, 2024
Stress is a reality of life, and everyone manages it differently. However, business operations have triggers that can increase an owner’s stress level. The list is long and subject to change based on economic fluctuations, weather, or customer behavior. Some may think the easiest way to manage unpredictability is to ride the situation until it improves.

Seek long-term Solutions for Making Employees Feel Valued

May 2, 2024
When human resource professionals quote statistics, we should remember that the numbers they cite represent real people. The dynamics between employers and employees can be slippery, with both sides grappling to get a firm foothold. Since the typical person spends one-third of their life at work